¿what do we do?

THE SCENIC ACT AND THE REPAIR is our artistic program of psychosocial intervention with therapeutic impacts for people with experiences of violence, based on the methodology Mi Cuerpo Es Mi Historia “My Body Is My Story”, a scenic creation proposal that strengthens processes of reparation and resignification in girls, boys and adolescents with histories of violence who are part of the orphanages of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, and the village of Ladrilleros, in the Colombian Pacific Ocean region.

This proposal has been strengthened after being endorsed and evaluated by entities such as Colciencias and the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, through research grants in the years 2012-2013, and thanks to the support of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, Sanfordance, Antorcha Films, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Cali, the Peaceful Route of Women, among other organizations.