Voyagemia: Conversations with the Inspiring Martha Isabelle Scott

Today we’d like to introduce you to Martha Isabelle Scott.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Everything began in 2010, after my Psychology degree. I began to work as a co-researcher of one project about sexual violence in teenagers at Javeriana University. At the same time, I was dancing a lot, and in love with the idea of dance as a therapeutic tool. In 2012, I received a reward with my own project as a primary researcher. In the methodology, I included dance exercises combined with psychotherapy as an intervention for 12 teenage victims of sexual violence that improved their empathy abilities thanks to my work. In 2013, I received another reward from the government in Colombia for my project intervention culminating in a theatrical performance. The play was reenacted in several theaters around the city, and the project was known and awarded from some human rights organizations and journalists. In 2014, we cofounded the organization with the name of the play, ¨Mi Cuerpo es mi historia”. From that moment until now, it has been a daily dream to continue to help children and teenagers, vulnerable to violence, through performance arts.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Sometimes, it has been difficult to advance. The foundation that I dream for children with experiences of violence requires a high investment because it is based on an artistic methodology. There are seasons in which we do not win scholarships or sponsorships for our projects, so it is frustrating to see how time goes by without working with our children. Not having the level of influence to obtain the economic resources that this project requires is one of the most difficult things.

My advice is: If you have the blessing of having a life project, of having a clear mission, do not let the bad times discourage you. If the dream is in your heart, sooner or later, it will manifest itself in reality. Consistency and persistence are my two pieces of advice.

What should we know about Mi Cuerpo es mi Historia Foundation? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I am a rare species. I do not know if I am a psychologist artist or an artist with psychological intervention skills. Every day of my life I dance, and I teach dancing. I can say that I have the ability to touch the being of the people that I teach, and I can express my spirit to the audience through my dance performances. These small and magical things are what make up my project:
The foundation “my body is my story”. I have created a lethal formula to combat human pain: I am most proud of the methodology “MY BODY IS MY STORY”, which is the method that we utilize in my organization in Colombia (valle del Cauca) to help vulnerable children and teenagers vulnerable to violence through art and psychotherapy. (you can watch a video about it in our YouTube channel “mi cuerpo es mi historia”)

Do you have any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general? What has worked well for you?
Actually, at this moment, I am looking for one mentor for my project.  We have the option of donations on the website of the foundation which appears at the end of this article.
It has worked for me not to give up, and to resort to self-sustainability. I support the project through salsa classes and shows.
My advice is to take a risk, without being afraid of losing.


  • Shows de salsa (between) US200/300
  • Private Salsa Lessons (between) US35/70 per hour

Contact Info:

Martha Isabelle Scott: Cofundadora | Creadora de la metodología MCMH | Bailarina Profesional de Salsa

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